Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kurt Halsey

Art lacks a satisfactory definition. Art is the eye of the beholder. Everybody has different opinions on what is art or not. Art can create emotions of many different perspectives that you have never experienced throughout your life. Therefore, also could form picture to relive a moment. This picture created by Kurt Halsey fits my definition of art. This fits my definition because it brings back old memories that i will never forget. Sometimes in life we have to remember what we have forgotten in the past to create something better for ourselves in the future. Which this picture evaluates all together for me and maybe many other people. I may never know if people see this picture as art like i do but im pretty sure im not the only one. To people it creates a emotion of love, Which is something everybody wants or has in life. So why couldn't love be expressed as art?

1 comment:

  1. Some nice ideas, here!
    Remember that for blogs we still expect correct English (for instance, capitalizing the pronoun "I"). 50 pts.
